State Farm Bank

One State Farm Plaza E-6, Bloomington, IL

Main Office
Not Yet Rated
 One State Farm Plaza E-6
 Bloomington, IL 61710
 Large Map & Directions
Lobby Hours
Mon:10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Tue:10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Wed:10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Thu:10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Fri:10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Established On:
 March 12, 1999
FDIC Certificate Number:
Total Assets:
Deposit Insurance:
Community Bank:
Asset Concentration:
 Consumer Lending Specialization
Institution Class:
 Savings association, state or federal charter, supervised by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
Routing #

Reviews & Feedback

How was your experience at this Bank? Let others know what you think. Leave your Review, Suggestion, Complaint or Tip below: Please note that we have no direct association with said institution and we offer this for review purposes only. Please do not leave any personal or personally identifiable information here:
Rate This Bank:
Not Yet Rated
Reviewer:Anonymous User
Date:Sept. 30, 2019


Reviewer:kenneth horne
Date:Aug. 24, 2016

Hey my name is Kenneth Horne and please help me out in n.c. I have a stare farm $58,058 account/file. And I need back up in rocky mount n.c. from raleigh,n.c. for a bank transfer and it was reported off by a rocky mount police officer but she has been packing like she has bad intentions of robing me about the funds that I pulled up on the secu computer on sunset ave in rocky mount n.c. $58,000 a lot of times. Help me soon (252)366-0394