Membership EligibilityChamplain Valley Telecom or Waitsfield Telecom who work in Pembroke, NH or Hinesburg, VT
Employees of Details II who work in Norwich, NY
Employees of Thompson Brothers, Inc. who work in Norwich, NY
Employees of Pivotel, LLC who work in Norwich, NY
1. Employees of GTE Kentucky who work in Science Hill, Manchester, London, Barbourville, Brooksville, Cal , Raymond, Island Falls, or Morrill, Maine; employees of Selectronic who work in Hinesburg, Pembroke, or Waitsfield, Vermont; employees of Citizens Telecom of New York, a subsidiary of Citizens Utilities of Stamford Connecticut, who work in Sherburne, Hamilton, Chenango Bridge, Norwich, Greene, Spencer, Dryden, Cato, Sidney, Walton, Sanborn, Alfred, Dundee, Fillmore, Rhinebeck, or Amherst, New York; employees of GTE Pennsylvania who work in Taylorstown, Tamaqua, Beach Lake, Emmaus, Friedensburg, Hershey, Knoxville, Mountoursville, Milford, or Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania; employees of Champlain Valley Telecom or Waitsfield Telecom who work in Pembroke, New Hampshire, Hinesburg or Waitsfield Vermont; employees of GTE Vermont who work in Springfield, Hinesburg, Vermont; employees of Citizens Telecom of West Virginia, a subsidiary of Citizens Utilities of Stamford Connecticut, who work in St. Marys, Worthington, Wayne, Parsons, Clay, Grantsville, New Haven, Rupert, or Bruceton Mills, West Virginia;
2. Employees of Professional Teleconcepts, the Young Men's Christian Association, Chesebro Insurance Agency, Benedict Corporation, Valley Video, Inc., Video Entertainment Company, Norwich Beverage Corporation, Inc., Apollo Express, Inc., Beethoven's Fifth, City of Norwich Housing Authority, The John C. Stott Agency, Inc. or Air-Land Express who work in Norwich, New York;
3. Employees of Hubert L. Brown Law Offices, P.C. who work in or are paid from Norwich, New York;
4. Employees of DETAILS who work in Norwich, New York;
5. Employees of Norwich Valley Supply Company, Inc. who work in Norwich, New York;
6. Employees of Millie's Diner who work in Norwich, New York;